Member Dashboard

Member Dashboard


In this guide you will learn how to navigate and utilize your member dashboard.


Initially upon login, you will be brought to your “Dashboard”.  You will see a navigation menu on the left hand side of the page.

For convenience, you will see a “Quick Create Test” sidebar on your Dashboard (and Performance tabs).  Test creation will be covered in our Create Test guide.  You may choose to leave this box expanded, or collapse it by clicking the double arrow symbol.


The “Subscription” dropdown at the top of the page will allow you to change between any subscriptions you have that are currently active. 

NOTE: If you have not yet activated your personal subscription, then you will need to navigate to Account Settings and activate the subscription in order for it to display in this dropdown.  See this guide on activating personal subscriptions. 

The header bar will display the subscription you are viewing, as well as your Exam Date and Goal Percentile.  These may be added or updated at any time by clicking the “edit” icon that displays next to each.

NOTE: Data on the Dashboard tab may take up to 15 minutes to update following completion of a test or assignment.

Performance Snapshot

At the top of your dashboard you will see three performance cards displaying a summary of your performance.

The “Overall Percent Correct” card will show your overall score, and how your score compares to the national average.  This card will display as green if your overall score is higher than the national average, red if it is below average, and gray if in the average range.  Below the score, you will also see the number of questions answered Correctly versus the how many questions you have taken overall–Total Questions Taken. 

Your “Percentile” card will show where you stand overall in comparison to all users of the same subscription.  This card will display as green if your percentile is higher than the national average, red if it is below average, and gray if in the average range.  Below your overall percentile you will also be able to see your percentile for the last 100 questions taken. 

Note: The percentile is calculated by taking the overall scores of all members over the past year, and bucketing them based on performance.

The “Total Questions Taken” card displays how many questions you have taken overall, including questions you have taken more than once.  The number of  unique questions you have taken will be noted in the top right corner.  Below your total number of questions taken, you will see the percentage of bank completion, with the number of questions in the bank noted in parentheses. 

If you prefer to hide the performance snapshot cards, then click the slashed-through eye icon to hide. To display again, select the eye icon next to Performance Snapshot. 



NOTE: Data on the Dashboard tab can take up to 15 minutes to update after completing tests.

Tests/Assignments Table

The information that displays in the assignments table will vary depending on whether your subscription is personal or institutional.

For personal subscriptions you will see these options under Tests:

Click here to read about each tab.

For institutional subscriptions you will see these options under Assignments:

Click here to read about each tab. 

Personal Subscriptions – Test Table

Members with personal subscription(s) will see a “Tests” table, broken down into three tabs. 

In Progress 

The “In Progress” tab will display any tests or assessments that are currently in progress, meaning they have not been marked as completed.  A card for each test or assessment with the “In Progress” status will be displayed. 

Test cards will show the status of a test, the number of questions included in a test, and the test mode in the top right corner of the card, indicated by the symbols below:

Click the three vertical dots in the top, right corner of each card to  resume, rename or delete the test. Please note that you are limited to three test deletions per subscription. Tests are the ones that you have created for yourself. Quizzes and assessments assigned by your institution cannot be renamed or deleted.

Assessment cards  are similar to Test cards; however, these cannot be renamed or deleted.  


If you have purchased an assessment with your subscription in a bundle or added one after purchasing your subscription, then you will see it under the “Assessments” tab.  If there is an assessment available for your subscription that you have not yet purchased, a prompt will display for you to purchase it.  

NOTE: Assessment questions are NOT included in the subscription. These are mapped to the exam blueprint and are designed to simulate the actual exam and provide valuable information about strengths, weaknesses, and overall exam preparedness. 


Once a test or assessment has been marked as completed, the card moves to the “Completed” tab. You will see the date of completion, the number of questions, your score, the national average for the questions in the test or assessment, and the difference of your score compared to the national average.  Click the three vertical dots in the top, right corner of each card to review, rename, retake, or delete the test.  

Assessment cards are similar to Test cards; however, these cannot be edited, retaken or deleted.  

Institutional Subscriptions – Assignments Table

Institutional members will see an “Assignments” table, broken down into four tabs.

In Progress 

The “In Progress” tab will display any tests or assessments that are currently in progress, meaning they have not been marked as completed.  A card for each test or assessment with the “In Progress” status will be displayed. 


Any quizzes assigned to you by your institution will display in the “Quizzes” tab. The total number shown on the tab is inclusive of any future, current, or past due quizzes. A red badge will display to alert you of any active quizzes or quizzes currently available to take.


Please note, some Institutional subscriptions include an assessment; however, it must be assigned by your program administrator. Please contact your program leader to request access to the assessment, if available. 

If there is a retail assessment available for your subscription, you will see the option to “Add Assessment” under this tab.  Clicking this will add the assessment to your shopping cart. Please note, retail assessments contain different questions from the  institutional assessment.

Once an assessment has been assigned by your institution or purchased, it will appear under this tab.  Assessment cards are similar to Test cards; however, these cannot be edited, retaken or deleted.  

NOTE: Assessment questions are NOT included in the subscription. These are mapped to the exam blueprint and are designed to simulate the actual exam and provide valuable information about strengths, weaknesses, and overall exam preparedness. 


Once a test, quiz, or assessment has been completed, the card moves to the Completed tab. You will see the date of completion, the number of questions, your score, the national average, and the difference of your score compared to the national average.  You will have the option to either review, rename, retake, or delete a test when you click the three vertical dots to the far right of each card.  Quizzes and assessments cannot be edited, retaken, or deleted.  Please note that you are limited to three test deletions per subscription. 


You will see SmartCards on the right hand side of the dashboard.  SmartCards utilize adaptive technology to  provide bits of insightful  information, such as study tips and best practices backed by research and your personal milestones. You can move between cards, rate cards, and hover over cards to get more detailed information.

Recent Incorrect Topics

Your Recent Incorrect Topics section provides quick access to reviewing questions you have recently answered incorrectly.  The display includes the question Topic / Modifier / Type, and the name of the test.  Clicking the arrow to the  right of each topic listed will launch the question in another page so that you can review it.  If there are any Picmonics linked to the questions, there will be an additional option to view the Picmonic as well.

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