Account Settings

Account Settings


In this guide, you will learn how to access and manage your Account Settings.

Accessing Account Settings

To access your Account Settings, click on the circle in the top right corner of your page where your initials display, and click “Account Settings” from the dropdown menu.

Your Info

Your personal details will display under Your Info.  You can update any of this data by clicking the three vertical dots in the top right corner of this card, and then clicking “Edit Details”.

Alternate Email

You may enter an alternate email to be used in account recovery.

Change Password

You can change your password in the Your Info section by entering your current password, and then setting and confirming a new password. 

Subscription Level Information

The Member Information fields will vary depending on what subscription(s) you have in your account.  These fields are required and you will be prompted to complete them prior to using your subscription.  You can edit the information in this section by clicking the three vertical dots in the top right corner of the Member Information box, and then clicking “Edit Details”.


You may subscribe to SmartTexts in the Notifications section. SmartTexts incorporate the power of spaced repetition by re-exposing you to the key learning point on missed questions at specific intervals proven by cognitive research to enhance  learning and retention.

Click the three vertical dots in the top right corner of the Notifications box, and click “Edit Notification Settings” to set your preferences for receiving these messages.

Adjust the frequency, days of week, time of day and end dates for receiving the SmartTexts.

Purchase History

Under Purchase History, click the Store Account link to be brought to your Store Account page.  Through this page,  you can view your order history, manage auto-renew subscriptions, and update purchase account details. 

Manage Auto-Renew

If you have purchased any auto-renewing subscriptions, you can manage them by clicking “Manage Auto-Renew”.


Your Subscriptions list will display all subscriptions that are associated with your account. As a default, they are sorted by days remaining, but they can also be sorted alphabetically by choosing this option in the “Sort By” dropdown.  

Clicking the three vertical dots in the top right corner of a subscription box will show you options available for your subscription.

Activating Personal Subscriptions

Setting Exam Date & Goal Percentile

Clicking “Edit Details” will allow you to enter or update your Goal Percentile and Exam Date.

Uploading Your Score

Clicking “Upload Score” will allow you to enter your actual exam score to either Help TrueLearn Improve, or to request the Pass Guarantee incentive, if applicable to your subscription. The Pass Guarantee policy can be found at

Adding An Assessment

If there is a retail assessment available for your subscription, you will see the option to “Add Assessment” within that subscription card box.  Clicking this will add the assessment to your shopping cart.

Please note, some Institutional subscriptions include an assessment; however, it must be assigned by your program administrator. Please contact your program leader to request access to the assessment, if available. 

Extending/Adding More Time

If an extension is available for a subscription, “Extend Subscription” will display as a link on the subscription card.  We offer a 7 day grace period following subscription expiration, in which time an extension can be purchased on an existing subscription.  Once the 7 day grace period has passed, a new subscription would need to be purchased.

Selecting “Extend Subscription” will open a modal with the available extension options. You can add up to 90 days to your subscription. Choosing an option and then clicking “Add More Time” will bring you to your shopping cart with the extension added. You can then proceed with the checkout process.

Please note, institutional subscriptions cannot be extended. Your program should contact their dedicated Account Manager if more time is needed.

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